Sunday, April 12, 2009


Like it or not the issue did have some negative effects to DS Nizar campaign in the last Bukit Gantang by election..Luckily overwhelming swing of non malay votes as well increased in young voters supports at saloran 3 and 4 votes managed to salvaged PR...Here is an interersting The Malaysian Insider's article by Muhammad Hafiz Hassan posted 0n 13th April.....

APRIL 13 - If Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaludin's now 'over-spun' utterance "Patik mohon sembah derhaka" is treacherous towards his Ruler, consider the following narration:
When the siege of the city of Madinah became too perilous and the Prophet [Muhammad, pbuh] sought to break the unity of the enemy groups by negotiating a [secret] agreement with the Taif group according to which they would withdraw on the payment of one-third of the city's agricultural product to them, Sa'ad Ibn Mu'az (the chief of the Aus tribe) came to know about it. He went up to the Prophet (pbuh) and politely asked: "Was the agreement sanctioned by revelation?" the Prophet replied, "No, but I am seeking to relieve you." Sa'ad took the document of the agreement that was about to be signed and tore it up, saying, "Now that Allah has strengthened us by you, how can they get from us now what they could not get before?"

Derhaka? Not at all. In fact the Prophet (pbuh) was pleased, so were all the Muslims. This narration was used by the former Rector of Al-Azhar University, Sheikh Mahmud Shaltut, in his book Min Taujihat al-Islam - 'From the Encounters of Islam' (1966) to illustrate an important principle in the concept of sovereignty in Islam.It is that sovereignty belongs to God and His law and that the people is only entrusted with the authority to implement His law, to administer justice and to take all necessary measures in the interest of good government. (Kamali, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, 1991)

Even the Prophet (pbuh) himself as head of state was subject to the principle. As the above narration shows, in the Prophet's authority over the Muslims, there is a clear line between the revelation given to him and himself as a human being.

The early Caliphs who ruled over the Muslims after the Prophet (pbuh) were also always careful to clarify their status as rulers under the law, and not above it. The inaugural speech of the first caliph elected to office, Abu Bakr, is instructive on this.He is reported to have said, "O people. I have been entrusted with authority over you, but I am not the best of you. Help me if I am right and correct me when I am wrong."

Numerous other instances, in particular during the caliphate of Umar Ibn al-Khattab, have also been recorded to illustrate the subordination of the ruler to the rule of law. Thus, on the occasion of his succession to office after Abu Bakr, Umar is also reported to have asked the people to 'rectify any aberration' they might see in him. On hearing this, a man from the audience sprang up and said to the newly elected caliph, "If we see deviation on your part, we shall rectify it by our swords."

Insolent? Umar's response was to praise God that there was someone who would, in the cause of righteousness, remedy a wrongful situation. In another instance, a man came to Umar and addressed him somewhat impudently saying, "Fear God, O Umar." Someone who was present reminded the man that he was exceeding the limits of propriety in his words and conduct towards the caliph. Umar, however, responded by saying, "It would be no good if they (the people) did not remind us so and it would be to no good if we did not listen to them."

These and other recorded instances are also widely quoted to illustrate a corollary principle in Islam, that is, 'the people are granted the freedom to criticize and monitor government activity (hurriyat al-mu'aradah, also known as hurriyat al-naqd al-hakim) by means of sincere advice, constructive criticism, and even ultimately by a refusal to obey the government if it is guilty of violating the law.' (Kamali, Freedom of Expression in Islam, 1998)

Subject to conditions to ensure its validity, mu'aradah is a fundamental principle of the Islamic principle of government which entitles the people 'to tell the truth and expose transgression even when this entails opposing the ruling authorities.'

Now, are our Rulers above the law? Let's not split hair on this. No one is above the law. Specifically, no one is above the Federal Constitution, which is declared as the supreme law of the Federation [Article 4(1)]. The Rulers are constitutional monarchs - their sovereignty, prerogatives, powers and jurisdiction are derived from and subject to the Constitution [Article 181(1)]. To put it simpler, the Rulers must act according to the law. One finds in section 1(1A) of the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution a reiteration that the Rulers are constitutional monarchs.
They are duty bound to accept and act in accordance with the advice of Executive Council or of a member thereof, except in specific situations where personal discretion has been conferred.
Even so, the Rulers must act according to convention. 'In the overall scheme of the Constitution, the monarchs are required to reign, not to rule.' (Faruqi, Document of Destiny - The Constitution of the Federation of Malaysia, 2008)

Lest one forgets, subsection (1A) was inserted by way of constitutional amendments in 1994. It came on the tail of constitutional amendments of 1993 that removed the Rulers' absolute immunities from proceedings in any court [Article 181(2)]. The overall effect of both the constitutional amendments of 1993 and 1994 has been said to be 'quite revolutionary'. 'Immunities are abolished. Rulers can be sued by ordinary citizens and prosecuted by the state.'

By the way, the Rulers have always been subject to be challenged in court for their official actions since Merdeka.The citizens too have rights guaranteed by the Constitution..
There are guarantees of both individual and collective liberties. It is noteworthy that these guarantees, contained in Articles 5 - 13, Part III of the Constitution, appear immediately after Article 4 that declares supremacy of the Constitution.This indicates that they should be treated as important provisions, notwithstanding that there are important limitations to the liberties.

So let's hail the constituents of Bukit Gantang. They have exercised their rights guaranteed by the Constitution without fear. In so doing, they have made known their choice of representative loud and clear. Is Nizar their choice of Menteri Besar too? Figure out yourselves …

Mohamad Hafiz Hassan is legally trained and currently a researcher at IAIS Malaysia. The views expressed here are entirely his.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Keputusan undi di PilihanRaya Kecil Bukit Gantang

Pilihanraya kecil telah pun berlalu.Masih ada lagi saki baki pemidang dan bahan bahan kempen sebagai bukti peperangan sengit politik tanahair..Keputusan sehingga kini PR 4 BN 1.Keputusan dimana Pakatan pembangkang hanya boleh mimpi sahaja kira kira 10 tahun yang lepas.Senario politik tanahair terus berubah dgn penuh dinamik.Semua pihak samada PR atau BN tidak boleh duduk diam jika ingin terus berada dipersada politik tanahair.

Memandangkan saya orang Perak dan lebih tahu tentang senario politik Perak maka tulisan saya lebih tertumpu pada pilihanraya Bukit Gantang.

Apakah dia faktor kemenangan diBukit Gantang?
  1. Teamwork.Semua komponen Pakatan PR bersatu didalam gerakkerja pilihanraya ini.PAS disokong sepenuhnya oleh PKR dan DAP Pserta dibantu oleh jentera ketiga tiga parti dari luar Perak serta bantuan dari blogger bloger terutama Perak Blogger Network

  2. Ahli ahli yang komited,bersemangat tinggi dan berdisiplin .Kesemua penyokong tahu mengapa mereka sokong PR.Kefahaman mereka jealas tentang arahtuju Pakatan Rakyat.Selain dari pada itu Pakatan Rakyat juga mempunyai kelebihan dmana ahli ahlinya sanggup berkorban wang ringgit dan masa .Kelebihan ini tiada pada UMNO.Didalam UMNO penyokong penyokong nya cuma bergerak bila dihulurkan RM.Kurang RM kurang la kerja.Penyokong penyokong PR amat bangga bila mereka keluarkan wang sendiri demi perjuangan PR.Selain daripada itu pekerja pekerja PR juga berdisiplin dan mendengara arahan agar tidak bertindakbalas terhadap provokasi yang dibuat oleh UMNO sepanjang kempen pilihanraya.Saya harap semangat saperti ini akan terus berkekalan.Saya juga belum pernah berjumpa lautan manusia yang begitu ramai berkumpul di Bukit Gantang. Satu sejarah bagi Bukit Gantang.

  3. Perubahan mentaliti generasi muda.Generasi muda adalah lebih terkini didalam maklumat.Well informed and computer savvy..Mereka mendapat maklumat terkini dari blog blog yang ditulis.Mereka juaga tak mudah di rasuah dengan sehelai kain batik dan sekampit beras.Mereka juga telah berhijrah keserata ceruk rantau dengan pengalaman baru.Mereka juga telah meneroka dunia maya tanpa sempadan dan sekatan.Pengalaman pengalaman yang mereka dapati telah mencelikkan mata mereka serta mempengaruhi pertimbangan mereka.Mereka tidak lagi bertindak diatas pendapat dan pemikiran yang out of date dan tradisi lah.Maksudnya disini kata orang putih "They had start thingking out of box".Saloran 3 dan 4 adalah kepunyaan PR.Bila kedua dua saloran ini dipegang oleh PR maka masa depan PR adalah amat cerah.

  4. Perkembangan penggunaan internet.Syarikat syarikat telekomunikasi saperti Telekom,Celcom,Maxis telah mencatatkan kenaikan jualan broadband fixed line dan juga wireless.Ini bermakna "internet penetration" telah berkembang dengan dengan pesatnya memasukki rumah rumah.Tidak boleh dinafikan lagi ini lah salah satu punca penting kemenangan PR."Counter attack" dapat dilakukan dengan cepat.Ia juga salah satu faktor PR banyak menang dipusat pengundian yang berdekatan dengan kawasan bandar dan kalah banyak dikawasan pedalaman.
  5. Faktor krisis Perlembagaan Perak.YAB Mohd Nizar mendapat simpati dari pengundi pengundi apabila beliau diperlakukan sebegitu rupa oleh BN.Saya berpendapat krisis Perlembagaan ini lebih banyak mempengaruhi undi bukan melayu kepada PAS.Mereka berpendapat "they tend to lose more with the down fall of PR goverment".Undi bukan melayu meningkat dari 65% kepada 75%.Terdapat sedikit kesan kepada pengundi melayu tetapi ianya telah di offset oleh faktor "anak tempatan" calon BN Ismail Saffian.PR cuma dapat 43 % undi melayu.Perhatikan bahawa kebanyakan pengundi melayu PR datangnya dari saloran 3 dan 4.
Walaubagaimanapun beberapa perkara berikut perlu diberi perhatian:-

  1. Pengundi saloran 1.Walaupuan mereka ini akan pupus didalam jangkamasa terdekat tetapi tidak lah wajar mereka dibiarkan begitu sahaja.Cuma pendekatannya sahaja yang berbeza.Program ziarah dan program kebajikan yg lain perlulah secara konsisten dan tidak bermusim.Ianya perlu berterusan. Banyak diantara pengundi saloran 1 ini hidup didalam kemiskinan.Terutamanya di DUN Trong.Peluang baik untuk mendekati mereka melalui program kebajikan yang berterusan.
  2. Kampung kampung pedalaman saperti kampung kampung di DUN Trong dimana PR mendapat kurang undi saperti Permatang Raja.Majoriti dari penduduk kampung hidup didalam kemiskinan dan kurang berpelajaran.Program program kebajikan spaerti bantuan makanan dan lainlain perlu dipergiatkan dan lebih konsisten bermula dari sekarang.Perlu diingat disini,PR hendaklah datang tanpa lambang parti kerana kadang kadang lambang parti menjadi penghalang untuk mendekati mereka.Jika boleh datanglah diatas nama individu.Niatkan didalam hati bantuan adalah ikhlas dan hanya mencari keredhaan Allah SWT.Buat lah setakat yang termampu sahaja.Jika dirancang dengan baik saya yakin PR dapat mencairkan hati hati mereka yang keras itu.Jika ditakqdirkan kita masih lagi tak dapat sokongan mereka bantuan jangan lah dihentikan kerana kita perlu ingat bahawa bantuan tersebut hanya ingin mencari keredhaan Allah SWT semata mata.Saya sendiri telah memberikan bantuan makanan kepada beberapa warga emas penyokong tegar UMNO.Akhir merekaberjaya diturnover pada pilihanraya Mac 2008.Saya tidak berkempen banyak.Saya cuma meminta secara ringkas kepada mereka agar memberi undi mereka kepada PR .Akhirnya berjaya juga dapat undi mereka..
Akhir kata syabas saya ucapkan kepada semua yang bertungkus lumus bekerja siang malam untuk memenangkan PR..Semoga Allah SWT memberi rahmat yang banyak kepada tuan /puan/cik semua...ALLAH HUAKBAR

Friday, April 3, 2009

Adakah Kita Menuju Kearah Negara Polis -siri 4

Dengan terlantiknya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak maka bermulalah zaman gelap bagi demokrasi Malaysia.Walaupun Najib cuba menggambarkan dirinya sebagai demokratik dengan membebaskan tahanan tahanan ISA dan juga membatalkan penggantungan akhbar akhbar berkala harakah dan Suara Keadilan.
Langkah langkah ini hanyalah sebagai lakonan semata mata untuk mempengaruhi keputusan ketiga tiga pilihanraya kecil yang sedang rancak berlangsung sekarang .
Masanya akan tiba dalam sedikit masa lagi dimana tekanan tekanan akan mula dilakukan.Antaranya ialah menahan dibawah ISA pemimpin pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang berpengaruh saperti DSAI,Ahmad Nizar dan sesiapa shj yang berpotensi untuk menjatuhkan UMNO.Kronisme,rasuah akan amat berleluasa pada tahap yang tidak pernah kita lihat dlm sejarah negara.Rosmah Mansor akan menjadi Imelda Marcos kedua.generasi muda pula akan dilalaikan dengan hiburan hiburan agar mereka tidak memandang serious situasi negara.Seterusnya blogger blogger yang anti Najib dan anti UMNO akan menerima padahnya
Pendekata Najib akan memporakperandakan sistem pentadbiran negarasehingga sukar dibaiki lagi.Hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang dapat menyelamatkan negara ini