I truly didnt know what to write lately.Too many interesting issues happened lately.Yet I am dumbstructed to write something.Anyway I hope Egypt revolution will go on and eliminated the pariahs who had plundered their nations all these years.The first revolution in 1952 succeeded overthrowing King Farouk.A corrupt and British bootlicker, good for nothing king. However the revolution spirit had been hijacked by Gamal Nasser,Anwar Sadat and Mubarak.They suppressed the spirit of Islam for 58 years and become vassal state of Israel and USA.
Now the light of Islam had emerge among the people.Mubarak had gone but not his mechanism.The Egyptian should eliminated them once and for all similar to the Iranian revolution.If they dont,the 2nd revolution will be hijacked again by the enemies of Islam.USA and Israel are not going to sit idle let their colonial interest affected by the revolution.The revolutiner main obstacle is the military.The military are stuffed with pro MUbarak and US/Israel supporters.I predicted that they will make their moves when the people had gone home.The revolution is still half way done.In fact it is in it most dangerous state.
May Allah protect my Egyptian brothers and sister of Islam.May the Sun of Islam will keep on shining on the Nile till the end time..Allah Huakbar
Dear tinta hitam, i would like to highlight to u regarding ur comment on zairil khir johari. For ur info zairil khir johari bin abdullah is not khir johari's son n he is not malay but a converted chinese muslim where his si gaporean chinese mum named christine married to khir johari (2nd marriage after 1st wife died). So it is nothing to do with malay n umno la. Be a clever bloggers la. Shame on you. There's the beauty of a chinese, even being looked after n dibela by a rich malay step father n converted pun the heart is still a chinese. Will continue fighting for their race. Not even interested in PAS. N yet malay like u guys so happy as long as people go against umno. Good zairil khir johari bin abdullah bersatu padulah cina demi kemajuan bangsa cina. Alhamdulillah.