Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nik Aziz Coup Send Chills Through UMNO

Wfol.tv - Riau, Indonesia (26th Oct. 2009): Prime Minister Najib Razak is right: The Party Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) is divided on cooperation with the United Malays National Organization (Umno). And that is nothing new. What is new is that the anti-Umno component of the PAS is taking brave steps that is giving the chill to the Umno.

Najib said there are quarters that give more importance to politics than the interest of the ummah, which indicates the difficulty that the Umno is actually having in bringing the PAS to join it in a coalition in the Barisan National (BN).

Nik Aziz, the PAS spiritual leader launched a daunting challenge to the pro-Umno leaders - who includes the President and the Vice-President of the PAS - to hold a party's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in order to decide the future of the party. The EGM would also have decided on the role played by Party President Ustad Hadi Awang and Vice-President Nasaruddin Mat Esa in dividing the party over the cooperation with the Umno.

While the party was taken by surprise by Nik Aziz's move who made his wish known through his blog, the fact remains that the PAS cannot continue being misled over which group it will be loyal to. Will it be the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) or will it be the BN? WIth Nik Aziz's call for the EGM, it was clear that news was out about the party leadership still courting the Umno for a possible jump to the BN.

Now thrown in the open, the PAS leadership has to prove it is not working in the shadows with the BN component party the Umno against the Pakatan Rakyat partners with which it is in a coalition that forms the opposition in Malaysia.

The party leadership was in panic mode with Nik Aziz's proposal while the Umno insisted that it was Anwar Ibrahim that was behind the latest 'scheming' by Nik Aziz to remove Hadi Awang and Nasaruddin from the party leadership. The fact is if the PAS follows the democratic process, it is probable that the two leaders of the party may be ousted if an EGM is ordered.

This panics the Umno and the pro-Umno leaders within the PAS indeed. The possibility of being turned down as leaders only months after winning the vote in the PAS Muktamar would be devastating for Hadi Awang and his group. This would also put the Umno far away from the 'dream' alliance with the PAS as it would keep the PAS within the Pakatan alliance.

If Anwar Ibrahim is really behind the 'scheming' as some Umno leaders and commentators are saying, then it was a great plan indeed to avert the 'flight' of the PAS from the cookoo's nest. Anwar cannot be blamed for being an astute politician who knows what is going on in his own backyard.

With the pro-Umno leaders and the Umno itself expressing their grief over Nik Aziz's wish for a full, short and quick EGM to decide on the party leadership, the story is made clear. The pro-Umno leaders are either almost certain of defeat in a 're-vote' or they are not sure of the outcome. This is because the outcome could also be against Nik Aziz and the party members could easily give their support to the current leadership and that would have meant a sure and certain pre-condition for two chains of events: 1. The PAS would be free to join the Umno in a broader 'Ummah' coalition, while 2. The PAS would definitely break apart if the leadership make the move to join the Umno in a coalition.

With a breaking away PAS, the Umno gains little while the Pakatan would be re-inforced with former PAS members who would be too obliged to join the Party Keadilaan Rakyat (PKR) for instance. In the end, the Umno would not get the much wanted 2/3rd majority it is desperately trying to get by wooing the PAS within the BN.

However, Prime Minister Najib has also made it clear in Thailand. He said his party appreciate those who see Umno as representing the Malays and having done many things for the community. This is a clear statement to the pro-Umno PAS members to pack their stuffs and to move in.

Najib said that one group in PAS rejected any form of cooperation with Umno although it was for the interest of Malay and Muslim unity.

He said that another group of leaders, who was willing to find ways to enhance unity among the ummah, was more inclined towards cooperating with Umno. "What types of cooperation is not defined but they don't want to see disunity," he said.

Asked whether Umno would discuss with PAS, Najib said it would be difficult to do so as long as there was no consensus in the party. "Let's wait and see the development in PAS," he said, adding that any discussion would not be fruitful if it only involved certain leaders and not the party as a whole

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Perbezaan Antara Blogger PAS dan Blogger Pro PAS

Media alaf baru telah melahirkan banyak siaraya serta penulis penulisnya yang digelar sebagai blogger.Keberkesanan blogger mula di iktirafkan apabila pihak BN juga telah mula menggunakan khidmat blogger.Fungsi blogger dilihat semakin penting dengan semakin banyaknya ahli masyarakat yang memiliki kemudahan internet.Internet dilihat sebagai satu keperluan sama saperti kemudahan komunikasi yang lain.

Cuma satu shj pasal blogger ni yg saya nak komen.Ada dua jenis blogger yang menyokong PAS.Yang pertama adalah blogger PAS yanag dibayar secara langsung oleh PAS dan juga bekerja terus dengan PAS.Keduanya adalah blogger pro PAS saperti saya,TB,Ipoh Mali dan beberapa orang yang lain.Blogger pro PAS adalah "self finance" atau mana mana yang lebih "established" hidup dengan sumbangan orang ramai .

Blogger PAS secara semulajadinya akan menyokong PAS didalam semua keadaan.Manakala Blogger pro PAS pula bebas mengeluarkan pendapatnya samada menyokong atau mengkritik PAS.Walaupun blogger pro PAS selalu juga mengkritik PAS tetapi ianya juga turut sama saperti blogger PAS mencintai Islam dan perjuangannya.Bezanya Blogger pro PAS enggan di kawal oleh mana mana pihak.Kebebasan adalah ciri utama bagi blogger sebegini.Kebiasaannya blogger sebegini kurang disukai oleh banyak pihak kerana kelancangannya mengeluarkan pendapat.Semua blogger pro PAS menghargai kebebasan mereka.Adalah diharapkan semua pihak memahami perkara ini . Situasi yang sama juga berlaku pada UMNO.UMNO tidak dapt mengawal blogger pro UMNO yang tidak mendapat sebarang bayaran dari UMNO

PAS dan semua parti politik perlu menerima realiti ini bahawa zaman kawalan kepada siaraya telah pun berakhir dengan wujudnya internet.PAS perlulah menyesuaikan dirinya keadaan ini.Mereka tidak boleh mengharapkan para blogger sentiasa berada disebelah mereka.Sekali sekala mereka perlu juga menerima tempelak dan kritikan.Samada betul atau tidak kritikan berkenaan ianya bukan persoalan.Yang penting adalah PAS mestilah mengetengahkan gambaran bahawa PAS bersikap terbuka dengan segala kritikan.Samada kritikan betul atau pun tidak.Mereka perlu bijak menanganinya.
PAS perlu menjadikan blogger pro PAS sebagai senjata mereka dan bukannya memusuhi mereka.Jika PAS mengambil sikap yang sama dengan UMNO didalam perkara ini maka tiada bezanya diantara PAS dan UMNO didalam hal berlapang dada terhadap media.Malahan PAS rugi kerana kebiasaannya blogger blogger PAS mengkritik tanpa perlu takut pada pimpinan..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sembang Sembang Sembang Kedai Kopi 1

Kata seorang kawan," mengapa JAIS pergi serbu pulak orang tengah buat kuliah ugama?Bukan ke tujuan JAIS sebenarnya untuk menggalakkan pengajian ugama pada rakyat?Bukan ke lebih baik serbu orang khalwat,minum arak dimerata kelab malam seluruh Selangor,ajaran yang betul betul sesat.Tak ada kerja lain ke?" katanya.

Saya jawab balik "sejak bila pulak Jabatan Ugama Islam ini ditubuhkan untuk mengembangkan Islam dan ajarannya?? Kalau mereka buat dah lama dah Pengarah JAIS dan EXCO Ugama di tangkap dan DiISAkan".

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mengenali NGO UMNO -JASA

JASA adalah sebuah NGO yang ditubuhkan oleh UMNO untuk menyebarkan serta mempengaruhi orang ramai agar menyokong UMNO.Saya difahamkan oleh pihak PAS Perak bahwa JASA telah menggunakan lulusan lulusan Timur Tengah untuk pergi terus kepada orang ramai dan berkempane secara "indirect bagi pihak UMNO.

Ketua Pengarahnya adalah Datuk Fuad Hassan iaitu bekas pimpinan ABIM sezaman dengan DS Anwar Ibrahm dan Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar.Adalah diharapkan semua penyokong PR dapat membuka mata dan bekerjasama agar aktiviti JASA ini dapat dibendung dari mengelabui mata pengundi pengundi..

Berikut adalah petikan dari laman DR Halimah Ali Exco PR Selangor. http://drhalimahali.blogspot.com/2009/11/jasa-akan-berjasa-lagi-dalam-menyebar.html

Tidak cukup dengan media cetak serta eletronik, satu agensi iaitu Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas yang diketuai oleh Datuk Fuad Hassan bekas ADUN Ulu Kelang akan dipewrhebatkan aktivitinya bagi membantu BN menangani apa jua yang dianggapnya sebagai berita FITNAH. Ini semua petanda bahawa PRU ke -13 kian hampir bagi mereka yang ingin berfikir.

JASA Akan Manfaatkan NGO Untuk Perjelas Isu Semasa

KANGAR, 18 Nov (Bernama) -- Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA) akan memanfaatkan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) bagi memperjelaskan pelbagai isu semasa secara tepat supaya masyarakat tidak membuat takfisran yang salah mengenai dasar negara.

Ketua Pengarahnya Datuk Fuad Hassan berkata bagi melicinkan urusan itu, JASA akan membekalkan segala maklumat mengenai perkembangan terkini kepada NGO untuk disalurkan kepada kumpulan sasaran mereka.

"Kita tidak mahu ada yang terpengaruh dengan fitnah dan tanggapan negatif yang bawa pihak tertentu.

Orang yang tak ada maklumat tepat akan terpengaruh dengan fitnah," katanya semasa melancarkan sekretariat NGO JASA Perlis di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata, orang ramai perlu mendapat maklumat yang jelas dan tepat mengenai apa jua isu yang berlaku dalam negara supaya mereka tidak menjadi penyumbang kepada penyebaran fitnah.

JASA turut memberi penjelasan gagasan 1Malaysia yang diperkenalkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak supaya ia tidak dipandang negatif dan menganggapnya sebagai konsep yang boleh membawa kemudaratan kepada negara.

Katanya, pertubuhan-pertubuhan kaum juga perlu memahami konsep sebenar 1Malaysia supaya mereka dapat menyalurkan maklumat yang jelas mengenai konsep yang bertujuan mewujudkan suasana perpaduan kaum yang lebih sempurna.



Monday, November 16, 2009

Opinion polls reveal changing perception about BN and PR

Saya berharap kemerosotan sokongan ini segera dapat diatasi oleh pihak pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.Taka tau la kalau masih ada lagi pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat yang dengan angkuhnya menganggap data data yang diberi adalah data tepi jalan.Tak ada kelas punya data.Saperti mana seorang pimpinan PAS dengan angkuhnya menolak fakta fakta yang diberi oleh Dr Aziz Bari.

Saya sendiri dapat merasakan sokongan golongan atas pagar agak sedikit condong kepada BN.Isu kepala lembu Shah Alam dan isu kematian misteri Teoh Beng Hock ternyata gagal mempengaruhi masyarakat Hindu dan Cina untuk memberi sokongan lebih kuat pada Pakatan Rakyat.PRK Bagan Pinang telah membuktikan bahawa telahan ramai orang termasuk saya jauh meleset.Gula gula yang diberi oleh BN masih mempunyai sengatnya.Antara geran tanah dan sokongan pada isu Kepala lembu dan Kematian misteri Teoh Beng Hock manakah lebih bernilai pada pengundi? Jawapannya jelas memihak pada BN.

Pakatan Rakyat perlu memperkemaskan peringkat "grassroot" terlebih dahulu,So back to the basic it seem...

Artikel diambil dari http://masterwordsmith-unplugged.blogspot.com/2009/11/opinion-polls-reveal-changing-trends.html

....At the Sembang-Sembang Forum yesterday, Encik Ibrahim Suffian, Head of Programs and a Director of the Merdeka Centre of Opinion Research, revealed that the approval rating for Barisan Nasional has improved by 5% while that for Pakatan Rakyat has slipped by 17%. More importantly, he believed that based on current trends, it is likely that BN will have a bigger win in the next elections ceteris paribus. The middle ground of 10% is relatively small and may not affect the swing in an impactful manner. The warning is out and the writing is on the wall - PR had better shape up or prepare to ship out for BN!!!

According to the results of the public opinion polls, there are no major issues affecting public discourse at the moment. Generally, citizens are relieved that the impact from the economic meltdown has not been that bad. While many believe that the worst is over, they are still very concerned about the economic performance of the country. However, could it be that the respondents are not aware of the economic indicators/current issues that should be used to assess the actual scenario?

Encik Ibrahim highlighted interesting observations from the research that has been conducted by the centre.

* Public approval for the Prime Minister in March 2009 was 46%

* This figure shifted to 43% after he was declared UMNO President

* During the Perak debacle, his rating slipped to 34%

* After his announcement of various liberalisation policies, the rating improved to about 65% because the rakyat seemed to be happier that he announced KPI index and his new policies seemed to address key concerns of the country.

* The main concern of most of the polls is economic issues and not political problems.

* Confidence in Pakatan Rakyat seemed to be waning in the September polls. Whilst most states that were being governed by PR seemed steady, confidence in PR at federal level is still low due to infighting, controversial statements by PR leaders and other issues.

* Results seem to show that leaders must fulfil promises made to the rakyat or suffer their wrath in the next polls.

Where voter attributes are concerned, the results of opinion polls seem to indicate that 48% of Malay respondents feel that their political position is being threatened whilst 38%, mainly the older respondents, are open to equal rights. Thus one can safely conclude that the older they are, the more open they can be to the Opposition and that it is surprisingly the younger populace who are more resistant to the Opposition front!!! Food for thought for PR leaders - lots of work to be done here.

With regards to addressing key issues of the next general election, Encik Ibrahim suggested the following steps:

* improving treatment and handling of grievances of minority groups

* implementing structural reforms of the civil service to improve delivery of promises

* reducing corruption and other forms of leakages

* improving leadership selection process in UMNO

He emphasized that whilst promises do matter, at the end of the day, it is the delivery of these promises that matter most to the rakyat as they do not forget that easily.

During the forum, participants were reminded that March 2008 was a watershed event that showed that the electorate are now more capable to voice out their discontent and better able to assess for themselves the options available.

Encik Ibrahim emphasized that technology is an important consideration when reaching out to the young population as it is a powerful agent of mobilization. This younger population is one that grew up on a culture of consumerism and have little memory of the political history of the country, particularly the May 13 incident. As such, he anticipated that this is the group that will make the difference in the next general elections, especially since only 55% of the young population have registered as voters.

The party that can mobilise the remaining 45% will have the power of the ballot box! I am sure that the political parties concerned are well aware of the demographic patterns of the electorate but I am uncertain if the necessary steps are being taken to maximise their mileage with this pivotal group.

Interestingly, Encik Ibrahim discussed a few events which triggered the March 2008 tsunami.

1. On the Wednesday before the elections, PKR leader Anwar attended a meeting in Singapore after which he released a press release that unleashed a media attack on him, including one from Dr. Chandra Muzaffar.

Encik Ibrahim revealed that following this, there was an increase in the number of people who did not want to reveal their voting preferences.

2. The second influencing factor was the announcement by the Elections Commission that indelible ink would not be used. With this, opinion polls revealed a 4-5% increase in Malay voters rooting for the Opposition.

If the Elections had been held a week later, Encik Ibrahim believed that ground support for the Opposition would have been broader but if it had been held 2-3 weeks later, the reverse would have happened.

Another interesting finding that was highlighted by Encik Ibrahim was that support from Indian voters for BN is increasing. There is a general understanding that some effort is being made to win support from the Indian community with the new political entities emerging that seem to provide an alternative voice to what they have within BN today - MIC.

Research findings of polls conducted by the Centre can be accessed at THIS LINK.

Another interesting observation that Encik Ibrahim shared with us was that Malay respondents from West Malaysia regarded themselves as Muslims whereas Muslims in East Malaysia regarded themselves as Malaysians!!! We have a long way to go in nation building as race/religion is still a strong factor in the formation of perceptions of national identity.

Encik Ibrahim handled the Q & A Session beautifully. A range of questions were posed to him including queries about the technical aspects of the research instrument used for the polls, the validity/representativeness of the result, and other questions pertaining to the impact of the PKFZ/Altantuya issues on the public opinion of BN. At the same time, he acknowledged that it was difficult to assess the public opinion of East Malaysians due to technical factors such as number of people in the states who had telephones and also the lack of exposure to MSM and internet - two important influences on the perception and opinions of the rakyat. He acknowledged that leaders from both sides of the political divide did consult the centre which is funded by various organizations.

Encik Ibrahim also reiterated that Merdeka Centre is an organization that emphasizes independent data and information gathering of unbiased information, validation of internal sources of information without external influences. You can read more about the organization at THIS LINK.

This forum which was organized by Sembang-Sembang Forum - a group of anak-anak Pulau Pinang concerned with social and civil issues affecting our daily lives who hope to provide a public forum to discuss these issues openly. The forum which was held at Kompleks Pusat Penyayang, Jalan Utama from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. yesterday was attended by about 80 to 100 persons, mainly those above 40 years old. A small number of young people were present. Perhaps others were attending the SABM forum which was held concurrently at Hu Yew Seah Hall yesterday afternoon. Personally, I hope that more people will attend these forums in future.

Keputusan Penghakiman DUN Kota Seputeh,Kedah

Petikan dari Malaysian Insiders 17th November 09 .. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/43698-najib-well-respect-court-decision

High Court judge Datuk Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin ruled yesterday that the Election Commission had encroached on the Speaker’s powers when it decided that Abu Hassan was still the state representative despite being told by the Speaker that the seat had been ruled vacant.

Umno lawyer Datuk Hafarizam Harun said he plans to file an appeal against the decision today.

If a by-election is held, it will be the eighth this year, of which Barisan Nasional has won only two, including the Bagan Pinang by-election last month.

Keputusan penghakiman saperti diatas adalah saperti yang kita fahami selama ini.Tetapi mengapa di Perak mengenai isu yang sama yang mana sepatutnya pengosongan kerusi DUN Changkat Jering dan Behrang diveto oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya dan diterima pakai oleh mahkamah?

Mengikut undang undang sediada yang dicipta oleh UMNO untuk memberi kelebihan kepada mereka sepatutnya Speaker berkusa penuh didalam hal hal pengosongan kerusi DUN.

Keputusan terkini memberi tamparan hebat kepada UMNO sekarang ini.Adakah mereka akan membuat rayuan kemahkamah Rayuan dan Persekutuan? Kita semua adalah amat maklum UMNO membiarkan Hakim Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi bebas tetapi memastikan hakim hakim Mahkamah Rayuan dan Persekutuan dipenuhi oleh hakim hakim yang korup dan boleh dikawal.Segala keputusan penghakiman mereka akan disemak semula dimasa akan datang set menjadi bahan ketawa dan cacian jenerasi akan datang

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nationalism and sectarianism tearing the Ummah apart

Reflections by Zafar Bangash

The Muslims’ natural habitat is the Islamic State; the vehicle for establishing the Islamic State is the Islamic movement. It is therefore necessary for workers in the Islamic movement to be clear about the methods they use in pursuit of their goals. In particular, they must be aware of the pitfalls that impede progress of the Islamic movement.

Two impediments can immediately be identified that stand out amid many others: nationalism and sectarianism. Nationalism has been imposed on Muslims from outside while sectarianism is internally generated. Nationalism is totally alien to the values, ethos and culture of Islam. It was injected into Muslim political thought by colonialism. The colonialists had a clear objective: to divide the house and power of Islam. They succeeded in this because the tiny elites in the Muslim world, alienated from the values and culture of Islam immediately accepted this Western concept and adopted it as their own. The Muslim masses firmly wedded to the universal concept of the Ummah that Allah (swt) has given in the noble Qur’an, have not accepted this. The masses may not be able to articulate this but they practice it in their lives, hence their deep concern for fellow Muslims suffering in any part of the world.

The Qur’anic concept of the Ummah is clear. Any person who utters the shahadah, declaring the Oneness of Allah (swt) and the Prophethood of Muhammad (s) automatically enters the fold of Islam and is considered part of the Ummah. Naturally, there are many other steps required to elevate an individual to higher levels but nobody can deny that person his place in the Ummah. Regrettably, in much of the Muslim world, this concept has been smothered under the stifling notion of nationalism. Muslim lands have been divided into nation-states like different species of animals in the cages of a zoo, where Muslims are separated from each other on the basis of color, language, ethnicity and place of birth. Where no nation-states existed, new ones like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, etc. have been created by the colonialist powers to divide the House of Islam.

Such divisions have led not only to the dismemberment of the Ummah but to its defeat and humiliation as well. The Saudis, Egyptians, and Jordanians, for instance, do not help the Palestinians because of their perceived “national interests.” The same is true of Pakistan vis-a-vis Afghanistan. The previous Pakistani regime abandoned the Afghans in 2001 because of American threats. The Pakistani dictator, General Pervez Musharraf invoked the doctrine of “national interest” to justify his surrender to the US.
If nationalism is imposed from outside, sectarianism is internally generated. Its roots go back into early Islamic history when the khilafah was subverted into mulukiyah. The Umayyad clan imposed their rule on the Muslims through intrigue and brute force. Further, by conflating exclusivist tribal solidarity with sectarian rationalizations, they institutionalized a nonrepresentative form of governance, thereby preventing future generations of the Ummah from representing the rest of the world’s peoples in the areas of social justice, equity and prosperity.

In recent years, sectarianism has been stoked to contain the liberating influence of the Islamic revolution in Iran. While traces of sectarianism have always existed among Muslims, its most virulent form — attacks on the followers and masjids of different madhhabs — is a more recent phenomenon. Instigated by the US, the illegitimate Arabian and other rulers in the Muslim world eagerly grasped this in order to target and isolate Islamic Iran. The level of sectarianism among Arabian rulers is directly proportional to the degree of their subservience to the US, hence their vicious campaign to open centuries’ old controversies.

Three countries where sectarianism is most pronounced and used to deadly effect are Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, all bordering Islamic Iran. These countries are also directly or indirectly occupied by the US. It is natural to assume that influence of the Islamic revolution will spread to these countries first.

It is also interesting to note that in Pakistan and Afghanistan, sectarianism is promoted through the Deobandi “scholarly” establishment, linked to the Deoband madrassa in India, yet there is little or no sectarian conflict in India from where such ideas emerge. The Deobandis also have close links with the Saudis. This toxic nexus has led to an alarming rise in sectarianism in Pakistan, thus frustrating the possibility, in the near future, of an Islamic revolution in Pakistan.

It is also not surprising, therefore, to note that Pakistan is a virtual colony of the US and dependent on Saudi patronage. Unless Muslims identify the impediments blocking their way, they will not be able to make progress toward their natural habitat — the Islamic State

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Its Dangerous To Be Right,When The Goverment Was Wrong

Tulisan Dr DZulkefly Ahmad Ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor didalam blog beliau http://drdzul.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/it%E2%80%99s-dangerous-to-be-right-when-the-government-is-wrong/

As if the rots that have plagued the judiciary weren’t enough to erode the confidence of the people towards this critical institution, the de facto Law Minister, DS Nazri Aziz, on Monday, stunned the House when he said that there’s no law to criminalize brokering for judicial appointment. Despite all the hue and cry, VK Lingam is after all going to be scot-free as no crimes were established.

This has surely brought utter disrepute to the already tainted judiciary, now badly in need of a ‘total overhaul’ of its image and integrity. While the claim of an absence of a legislation or an act to ‘illegalise’ and ‘criminalise’ may be unfortunately true, his suggestion that ‘Lingham might have just acted to fix the appointment of judges to impress’ was really a very bad joke. I almost wanted to say that he has turned himself into a clown. But I would reserve it for another day.

But this decision has made a huge mockery of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on VK Lingam’s fiasco. I stood in that august house on that day, to make the minister to commit saying that ‘what may be morally wrong could be legally or politically right’ in this country of ours.

He answered in the affirmative without hesitation. He wanted to lecture us on that. He chose to be oblivious of the saying of Abraham Lincoln and many a great mind on the subject of “Philosophy of Law”, “Moral Foundation of Law” and “Theory of Law” 101.

Admittedly also, the acrimonious debate is a long standing one, from time immemorial. Notwithstanding, the case of Lingam is surely so obviously ‘wrong’ as much as it is ‘immoral’. When an action could not, but be interpreted, as brokering or lobbying for an appointment of the highest position of the office of the judiciary, it indeed is an open assault on the integrity of the judiciary.

And that is almost subversion and ‘treason’ to the state. The entire act of those involved in the Lingam’s case is despicable as it inevitably brings one to the next logical conclusion. If judges’ appointment could be fixed than logically verdicts/judgments of judges could as well be similarly fixed, at a ‘certain price’ of course.

Most atrocious in the Lingam’s case is the fact that, while the ‘brokering’ may be immoral but legal, the latter ie writing judgment, while both immoral and illegal, also escaped the long arm of the law. The nation must not take all these assaults lying down. This will be elaborated later.

Nazri had in fact earlier said that further investigations into the Lingam’s case cannot be undertaken by the MACC as the key witness could not be located. The MACC had subsequently classified the case as ‘no further action’ (NFA).

In an effort to counter the various indiscriminate claims of the law minister, the Opposition MPs have brought a key witness sought by the Malaysian Ant-Corruption Commission (MACC) to Parliament yesterday (Tuesday 10). Jayanthi L.G Naidu was Lingam’s former secretary at the time of the royal commission’s probe into Lingam’s alleged involvement in brokering the appointment of judges.

Reading from her written statement, Jayanthi explained that she has been available to assist MACC in their investigations at all times and was very willing to cooperate with the ant-graft body. She was also called in as a witness by the commission to testify about Lingam’s holiday with the former Chief Justice Eusoff Chin to New Zealand.

She had given a full statement in 1998 regarding the trip to the former Anti-Corruption Agency (now MACC). She repeated this at the royal commission’s proceedings. She had told the ACA and the royal commission that Lingam and Chin’s family holiday trip to New Zealand in 1994 was arranged and paid for by Lingam. She stands her ground to date. Kudos Jayanthi! Her safety is now the responsibility of the nation.

However, the commission found that no crime has been committed as both parties had paid for their own respective holidays and that further investigations cannot be undertaken as a key witness could not be located. The rakyat now wishes to know who the person is, as only he or she is capable of putting the case to rest for ever.

But most appalling, the MACC and Nazri had both refused to name the witness that could not be located. If it’s not Jayanthi, they must now name the person as it is critical to safeguard the integrity of the judiciary. Their actions are indeed at best irresponsible and at worst amounting to ‘subverting’ the judiciary. Is that both moral and legal?

Inter alia, Jayanthi also divulged information pertaining judgment delivered by Judge Mokhtar Sidin in the Vincent Tan vs MGG Pillai ’s libel case that was written in the office of Lingam. Besides, on various occasions, she confessed having withdrawn large sums of cash between RM100,000 and RM300,000 under Lingam’s instructions which then were wrapped in gift boxes with the understanding that they were to be hand-delivered by others to individual judges.

“On one occasion I saw one of these money boxes being placed with a box containing a cake to be delivered to a judge,” she testified.

Despite the commission’s recommendation to conduct fresh investigations into the Lingam’s case, authorities decided to close two of the investigation documents and another was marked as ‘no further action’.

The Pakatan MPs and the rakyat the nation over, now unequivocally demand that the MACC and the relevant authorities would re-think their position.. The buck must stop at the premier. Pak lah, as a reminder to all and particularly to Najib, has now left a ‘legacy of lost opportunity’.

Najib had equally pronounced high-sounding rhetoric, ever since he took over the premiership in the same tradition of his predecessors. But slogans without substance undermine trust.

This is an opportune time to placate grouses against himself and vindicate his claims of People’s First. If he insists of doing it wrongly again, let him be reprimanded that, (quoting Voltaire), ”It’s dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong”!.

He shall be duly punished come next 13th GE

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mereka Wahabbi???Tangkap Mereka...

Perkataan Wahabbi ni saya dengar semnjak saya kecil lagi.Kata orang orang tua kat kampung saya Wahabbi ni tak berapa betul.Maksudnya betul tapi kurang betul.Pening kepala saya memikiokannya.Betui tapi tak berapa betui.Apa ke he nya Yob ooi...Betul tapi tak berapa betui.Hisshh...tak reti teman nak menghubungkaitkan "betui" dengan "tak berapa betui".
Ianya menimbulkan persoalan pada saya mengenai wahabbi ni.Setau saya wahabbi ni adalah gerakkan reformasi yan gberlaku dikurun 19 di jazirah Arab menentang segala khurafat yang berleluasa ketika itu.Malahan diTanah Haram pun berlaku pelbagai acara acara khurafat yang jauh menyimpang dari Islam.Fahaman wahabbi ni berasaskan kepada Mazhab Hambali.Begitu juga pembaharuan yang dibawa oleh Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah pun berasaskan kepada Imam yang empat.Persoalannya sekarang sejak bila pulak pengikut pengikut Wahabbi terkeluar dari Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah?
Tuduhan tuduhan yang sedemikian sering saya dengar dari mulut mulut ustaz ustaz yang mengajar dikuliah kuliah ugama terutama yang membincangkan "kitab kitab kuning".Bila kita tanya adakah mereka sesat.Jawapannya tidak pulak.Ustaz ustaz ini berkata mereka ulamak ulamak besar.Kalau dah ulamak besar pasal apa kita tak boleh ikut mereka? Ustaz ustaz berkenaan tidak memberikan jawapan yang definitif dan konklusif.Mereka masih lagi berlegar legar sekitar jawapan "kita mazhab shafi'e ,dan mereka tidak.So what the hell is going on???
Jadi adakah orang orang melayu ni diwajibkan bermazhab Shafi'e.Jadi camna bila ke Mekah? Imam Mekah berfahaman wahabbi.Agaknya tak berapa sah ke sembahyang kat Mekah tu? Persoalan persoalan itu adalah bodoh semata mata.Tapi siapa yang membodohkan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia ini?
Jawapannya tidak lain dan tidak bukan mereka yang berkuasa diJabatan Ugama Islam temasuk lah sebahagian daripada mufti mufti.Malahan Dr Asri tidak dibenarkan memberi ceramah di Perak dengan alasan beliau adalah wahabbi.Mufti Perak Datuk Paduka Harun Sani telah memberi arahan berkenaan. Nama wahabbi digunakan untuk menakut nakutkan orang orang melayu.Mereka memberi gambaran seolah olah fahaman wahabbi adalah tergolong didalam ajaran sesat.Saya sendiri pu kurang faham apa jenis ustaz berkenaan.Nak dikatakan mereka tak berilmu tak mungkin.Kurang faham pasal konsep bermazhab?Takkan la kot..
Kesimpulan yang boleh saya buat adalah bila wujudnya kekeliruan dan "biasness" didalam diri individu individu berkenaan,mereka bertindak seolah olah saperti orang yang jahil.Munkgin juga ada unsur unsur busuk hati.
Akibatnya imej mereka sendiri yang jatuh dan masyarakat biasa menjadi keliru....Wallahuallam

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Perlu ke Tauliah mengajar Ugama?

Isu tauliah ini kembali semula dibincangkan oleh masyarakat.Seingat saya isu ini bergolak dalam tahun 80an dulu.pada pandangan saya tauliah adalah sekatan kepada individu individu Islam dari memberi kefahaman Islam kepada masyarakat.Malahan untuk dapat tauliah ni pun prosesnya tidak "standard" diantara negeri negeri.terpulanglah kepada yang hendak menemuduga.Orang orang yang ingin mendapat tauliah mestilah menghafal kitab kitab tertentu sahaja.Kalau tak hafal dan faham kitab tersebut susah lah nak dapat tauliah.Maknanya kalau pemohon tauliah ni baca kitab lain maka dia susahlah nak lepas temuduga berkenaan.

Ini seolah olah orang orang yang telah mempunyai kelulusan ugama yang tinggi tidak diiktirafkan ilmunya jika tiada tauliah walaupun di bekas mufti.Saya sebenarnya kurang hormat pada Jabatan Ugama Islam sebab Jabatan Ugama Islam ni biasanya dipenuhi orang orang yang tidak mempunyai perasaan cinta kepada Islam dan cuba berusaha keras untuk mengembangkannya.Segala program program mereka hanyalah melepaskan batuk ditangga sahaja.Mereka lebih berperanan menjadi penghalang kepada penyebaran Islam daripada mengembangkannya.Mungkin kenyataan saya ni agak melampau tetapi itulah realitinya.Isu penangkapan Dr Asri diharapkan membuka mata masyarakat mengenai kebobrokan Jabatan Ugama Islam.Sudah tiba masanya untuk "highlight"kan isu ini secara besar besaran

Bersama ini saya sertakan artikel dibawah yang dipetik dari harakahdaily.net..

Jim syor Jais jadikan kes Dr Asri sebagai tauladan
Tue Nov 03, 09 8:41:20 pm MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Nov: Jamaah Islah Malaysia (Jim) mengesyorkan supaya Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) mengambil kesempatan krisis keyakinan terhadapnya ekoran penangkapan Datuk Dr Asri Zainul Abidin untuk meneliti semula enakmen-enakmen pentadbirannya.

Langkah ini perlu supaya ia tidak mengekang pengembangan ilmu yang boleh memberi manfaat kepada umat Islam, kata Presidennya, Zaid Kamarudin.

Zaid turut sama menyertai kekesalan umat Islam di negara ini ekoran cara penangkapan Asri itu oleh pegawainya dengan bantuan polis.

Pada hari Ahad, 1 November 2009, negara dikejutkan dengan penangkapan bekas Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Perlis, Datuk Dr Mohamad Asri Zainul Abidin oleh pihak Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dengan bantuan Polis di sebuah rumah banglo di Hulu Kelang.

Penangkapan dilakukan atas dakwaan bahawa Dr Asri tidak mempunyai tauliah ketika beliau menyampaikan kuliah agama kepada lebih kurang 300 orang di rumah berkenaan.

Dr Asri bukan sahaja seorang ilmuan Islam dengan kelulusan ijazah doktor falsafah dalam pengajian Al-Qur'an dan sunnah, beliau adalah bekas Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Perlis dan merupakan pensyarah bahagian pengajian Islam di Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Berikutan penangkapan tersebut, pelbagai pihak telah mempertikaikan cara penangkapan dilakukan. Menurut laporan-laporan media, beliau ditahan pada jam 12.10 tengah malam dan dibawa ke Balai Polis sebelum dibebaskan dengan jaminan polis pada kira-kira jam 1.10 pagi.

Beliau kemudian diarah hadir ke Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Gombak Timur pada jam 9.00 pagi keesokkannya untuk dituduh.

Namun setelah disemak peguam beliau, didapati bahawa tiada pendakwaan telah difailkan di mahkamah.

Beliau akhirnya dibebaskan pada kira-kira jam 12.30 tengahari dengan jaminan JAIS tanpa sebarang pendakwaan tetapi boleh dipanggil oleh JAIS pada bila-bila masa untuk siasatan lanjut.

Menurut Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS), Datuk Mohammed Khusrin Munawi, Dr Asri di minta ke mahkamah bukan untuk didakwa tetapi untuk jaminan bon bagi melanjutkan tempoh siasatan.

Menurutnya lagi, Dr Asri akan didakwa selepas jabatan itu selesai menjalankan siasatan berhubung kesalahan mengajar agama tanpa tauliah.

Katanya, Dr Asri akan didakwa di bawah Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam Negeri Selangor 2003, Seksyen 119 (1) yang menyebut mana-mana orang yang mengajar agama Islam atau perkara-perkara tentang agama Islam di negeri itu perlu mendapatkan tauliah daripada Jais.

Ekoran itu, kata Zaid dalam kenyataannya, Jim mempersoalkan kaedah penangkapan yang dilakukan.

"Mengapakah beliau ditahan secara mengejut dan mengaibkan seperti penjenayah besar sedangkan beliau boleh dipanggil dengan cara yang lebih profesional dan hormat untuk bertemu Jais atau mana-mana pihak berkuasa?" soal Zaid.

Pengarah Jais sendiri menyatakan bahawa Dr. Asri telah lama dipantau.

"Mengapakah pula tiada pertuduhan atau pendakwaan difailkan di mahkamah sedangkan tangkapan telah dibuat pada hari sebelumnya? Apakah motif di sebalik penahanan begini?" soalnya lagi.

JIM melihat bahawa adalah menjadi kewajipan kepada umat Islam apabila berselisih untuk mereka kembali kepada Al-Quran dan As-sunnah.

Allah berfirman: "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul (Nya), dan ulil amri di antara kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapat tentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (Al Quran) dan Rasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya." (An-Nisa : 59)

Apatah lagi sekiranya perkara yang diperselisihkan itu adalah perkara yang boleh diselesaikan secara musyawarah dan tidak perlu dibawa ke mahkamah, kata Zaid.

Jim berpendapat bahawa sewajarnya Jais lebih berhemah dalam membuat penangkapan dan pertuduhan terhadap sesiapa juga tidak kira rakyat biasa atau seorang bekas Mufti kerana dikuatiri tindakan mereka boleh mengakibatkan salah tafsir atau boleh mencacatkan sistem keadilan Islam itu sendiri.

Dalam melaksanakan tindakan, sandaran Al-Qur�an dan sunnah harus dijadikan panduan selain mengambil pendekatan kaedah-kaedah fiqh seperti Al-Aslu bara�atu zimmah iaitu seseorang itu tidak bersalah sehinggalah dibuktikan bersalah, tambah Zaid.

Di samping itu, katanya, keadilan bukan sahaja dilaksanakan tetapi harus dilihat dilaksanakan dalam proses dan prosidur berkaitannya.

"Jim berharap Jais akan bersikap amanah, jujur dan profesional dalam melaksanakan siasatan yang bebas, adil dan telus ke atas Dr Asri. Pemeliharaan keadilan dan hak asasi serta karamah insan haruslah menjadi pegangan," katanya.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Isu Penangkapan Dr Asri

Heboh diperkatakan oleh seluruh masyarakat mengenai penangkapan Dr Asri mantan Mufti Perlis.Penangkapan dia pula adalah selepas kenyataan EXCO Selangor Dr Hassan Ali bahawa semua perlu tauliah untuk memberi kuliah ugama di Selangor.4o orang anggota polis mengiringi 8 penguatkuasa JAIS.Ligat kepala saya memikirkannya,Siapa punya kerja ni?
Dr Asri ni memang orangnya outspoken.Malahan beliau tidak disukai oleh tokguru tokguru orthodox kerana pegangannya yang dikatakan sebagai ahlussunnah ataupun wahabi.Malahan beliau juga tidak dibenarkan memberi ceramah di Perak oleh Mufti Perak Hj Harun Sani sendiri.
Banyak la tuduhan tuduhan.Ada yang kata Dr hassan Ali sendiri,ada yang kata individu individu dalam UMNO sendiri saperti Nakhaie.Tak dapat dipastikan siapa yang mengarahkan penangkapan berkenaan.Mudah mudahan sedikit masa lagi persoalan ini akan terhurai.
Pada pendapat saya penangkapan Dr Asri ada hubungkaitnya dengan permintaan dari beberapa pimpinan PAS sendiri agar Dr Asri menyertai PAS untuk menguatkan lagi saf kepimpinan PAS.Jadi penangkapannya ada kena mengena dengan UMNo sendiri.Mungkin penangkapan ini untuk menghalang Dr Asri dari memasuki PAS.
Walaupun beberapa pemimpin UMNO saperti Najib dan Khairy Jamaluddin melahirkan rasa terkejut dengan penangkapan beliau.Kes ini adalah kes baling batu sembunyi tangan.Kalau bukan arahan UMNO sendiri takkanlah pihak polis beria ria sangat datang sampai 40 orang untuk membantu JAIS.Selalunya pihak polis jarang nak memberi kerjasama jikaianya melibatkan pentadbiran dibwah Pakatan Rakyat.
Kita lihatlah selanjutnya lakonan UMNO didalam hal ini.Dr Hassa Ali selaku EXCO Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam perlu mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi jika beliau tidak terlibat didalam penangkapan tersebut.Jika tidak imej beliau akan semakin merudum pada pandangan orang ramai.Beliau diharapkan tidak membiarkan dirinya dikambinghitamkan.Itupun kalau dia tak terlibat la...
Lagipun JAIS banyak kerja lain yang lebih penting dan "urgent"untuk ditangani.Zina,gejala dadah,ketua keluarga yang tidak bertanggungjawab,lepak perlu ditangani segera.Jika perkara perkara sebegini tidak diselesaikan segera imej PAS Selangor dan PAS keseluruhannya akan terjejas.