Persoalannya adakah kenyataan berkenaan hanya kenyataan untuk sedap mulut sahaja atau benar benar prihatin terhadap masyarakat yang semakin dihimpit oleh inflasi dan kos sara hidup yang tinggi? Kenaikan kos tol ini tidak dapat dielakkan disebabkan perjanjian berat sebelah diantara pemegang konsesi.Samada bagi naik setiap tiga tahun sekali atau kerajaan Malaysia kena bayar ganti rugi.Yang mana satu dipilih pun pemegang pemegang konsessi tol tetap akan untung besar..Perlu diingat disini Kerajaan Malaysia dikuasai oleh UMNO.Manakala wang yang dibayar sebagai tol atau gantirugi pula adalah wang rakyat bukannya wang UMNO.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Persoalannya adakah kenyataan berkenaan hanya kenyataan untuk sedap mulut sahaja atau benar benar prihatin terhadap masyarakat yang semakin dihimpit oleh inflasi dan kos sara hidup yang tinggi? Kenaikan kos tol ini tidak dapat dielakkan disebabkan perjanjian berat sebelah diantara pemegang konsesi.Samada bagi naik setiap tiga tahun sekali atau kerajaan Malaysia kena bayar ganti rugi.Yang mana satu dipilih pun pemegang pemegang konsessi tol tetap akan untung besar..Perlu diingat disini Kerajaan Malaysia dikuasai oleh UMNO.Manakala wang yang dibayar sebagai tol atau gantirugi pula adalah wang rakyat bukannya wang UMNO.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sementara itu Penggantungan tugas YAB Menteri Besar Ahmad Nizar telah memberi peluang untuk beliau pergi keakar umbi menjelaskan pelbagai isu yang menjadi tohmahan UMNO selama ini.Antaranya adalah isu tanah dan isu isu semasa yang lain..Sokongan kepada YAB Ahmad Nizar bertambah dari semua lapisan bangsa dan masyarakat."Rating" beliau naik bukan sahaja di Perak tetapi juga di Malaysia.Malahan beliau telah bertukar dari state level politician kepada national level politician.
Friday, February 20, 2009
UMNO last trump cards
- Using enforcement agencies to maximum.Pinning PR leaders on small mistakes.The latest story was MB Selangor cow purchases and personal car maintenance issues.Turning small mound turn into mountain The law enforcement agencies will find ways to implicated the victims so that they will be sentence by court and lost their parliement/DUN seats as well goverment positions.Observe that how fast and efficient SPRM act on MB Selangor case and on the other hand they dragged their feet on any PR leaders corruption reports against BN.Despite some of them were accompanied with hard evidences .PR must accept the fact that as far as the law enforcement agencies are concern PR is their sworn enemy
- Potraying PR leaders socalled "moral decay".Elizabeth Wong issue was one of it and they tried to pinned Dr Halimah with khalwat case but to no success.They will find new victims to play with.Even by showing non muslim Pakatan Rakyat YBs consuming liquors and potraying them as alcoholics.Why not,if that can affect public supports.
- Influencing The Sultans to reject Pakatan Rakyat..They had done that to Perak and I heard Selangor is on the way.In other word they involved the Constitutional Monarcies in politic.
- Playing classic racial card.Potraying DAP as trying to grab power from the malays.Sivakumar and Karpal had received dead threat recently.Even though police reports had been made,as usual the police will dragged their feet.
- Invoking Emergency law by hiring soem thugs to creat havocs
- Resort to kidnapping PR leaders or members love ones..
I hope Pakatan Rakyat by now should have their action plans ready to overcome such threats..
Siapa lebih derhaka?
The issue of morality
I searched the website for some reasonable answer for the issue..YB Khalid Samad comment:-
FEB 20 — I was told that Selangor Pas released a statement which, among others, requested that Elizabeth Wong be investigated for any moral wrongdoings as a result of this “scandal” of her nude photos and, if found to be guilty, she is then to be “suitably” punished. The statement also talks of the need for all PR elected representatives to be morally upright so as to be examples to be emulated by all.
Unfortunately I have to comment on this statement which I believe is very ill-advised. Before that I do have to clarify that the meeting held by Selangor Pas prior to the release of the statement was a meeting of the Dewan Harian, which is made up of the state commissioner and all other appointed office bearers. It was not the full state meeting as such.
Secondly, and this is the crux of the issue, PR is not Pas! For Pas we have a clearly defined set of right and wrong, moral and immoral and although it may have similarities with some universal values, there are some huge differences particularly in that of the “personal arena”. What Pas and Islam see as immoral may be something quite acceptable in the eyes of other cultures. Take the question of drinking wine, for example.
Similarly, there are items which Islam accepts, which to other cultures is not quite as acceptable. The easiest example here would be polygamy.As such, it would be wiser for Pas not to open up Pandora's box on this issue of morality at this juncture. It can only create differences within a ruling coalition which is being besieged by its external enemies. We can avoid this awkward situation by identifying clear boundaries while understanding that the coalition is made up of different parties with different views and values but agreeing on the specific socio-economic and political agendas which we wish to pursue. On matters of personal discipline of party members, we leave that to the parties themselves to decide on what they wish to implement and enforce, if anything. We should avoid imposing our values and beliefs on others. This is even more relevant when we acknowledge that Elizabeth Wong is not a Muslim.
The proposal to let each party handle its members is akin to what was practiced by the Holy Prophet in his agreement with the different communities in Medina.
The call for the PR elected representatives to be models of morally upright individuals to be emulated by others is again something which many PR elected representatives may not subscribe to. I imagine some of the PR elected representatives reading the statement with complete bewilderment, shaking their heads saying, "I never knew I would have to play this role!"
Even for Pas, as an Islamic party, our message is that the Muslim youth should emulate the Prophet and his illustrious companions and not ourselves as we too are but mere followers. I cannot for the life of me, knowing my personal weaknesses, project myself as a model for anyone to follow. Maybe others can; on that I have no comment.
Then there is this issue of “suitable punishment”. (Hmmmm, wonder what they have in mind). I have no idea where this zealousness for punishment comes from. I remember Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang's lecture where he told us of a case in the time of the Prophet. A man came and admitted to the Prophet that he had committed adultery and requested that he be punished. The Holy Prophet remained silent and turned away from him. The man came in front of the Prophet and repeated his admission and request. The Holy Prophet responded in the same manner, turning away from him. The man came in front of the Prophet again and repeated the admission and request for the third time. The Prophet then asked the companions who were there witnessing this incident to take the man away and punish him as he requested.
Later the companions returned and reported to the Prophet that the man, prior to being punished, had a change of heart and ran away. They chased him and meted out the punishment. The Holy Prophet looked at his companions and asked: "Why did you chase him? You should have let him go".From the short story it is clear that there is no zealousness in the meting out of punishment. The Prophet only consented when the man showed great remorse for having sinned and wished himself to be cleansed. However, if that was no longer the case, the need was no longer there. Note also how the man was not questioned who his partner was. No thumbscrews. No witch hunt.
Actually it is this kind of zealousness which the non-Muslims fear from Pas and this is where we must emulate the spirit of the Islam more accurately. We should not become zealous moralists who wish to enforce their moral code on others. As I always say, preach, reason and argue with them in the best of ways. Never give them the impression that we wish to impose something on them irrespective of how noble the intentions. That was the way of the Prophet and that too must be our way.
Lastly, I wish to state that this is not a case where the complainant wishes to see some form of justice or goodness prevail. It is not a case of a person bringing to the kadi or judge a report of “immorality” on the part of so and so. It is on the other hand a smear campaign and should be handled as such. If the Quran teaches us to be wary of reports brought in by dubious persons, what more of cases which are clearly aimed at discrediting and maligning a person. The wickedness intended alone should suffice for everyone to reject the proposition, confiscate all the photos and ignore the issue altogether. If the Malaysian public can behave in the same manner as the people of Coventry when Lady Godiva rode through town in the nude, the problem would be easily solved.
Khalid Samad is MP for Shah Alam. He is also head of the Shah Alam Pas division and also a member of the Pas political bureau, which is the most powerful bureau in the party. His website is www.khalidsamad.comWhat do you think?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Arrogant Barisan had to earn voters's respect if it want to be respected
FEB 20 — Unlike a lot of people who have been making noise about Elizabeth Wong in the past week, I have a couple of links to Eli: I personally know her, and she is my representative in the Selangor state assembly. I have a real stake in what happens to her, and in how the present political crisis in Malaysia is resolved. And I am mad as hell with what is going on right now. As far as I’m concerned, nearly all of the political machinations since the beginning of this year have done little but undermine the will and the fundamental democratic rights of the Malaysian people, and I’ve had quite enough of it.
My former Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo thinks Eli ought to quit for having a boyfriend who — horror of horrors — has access to her apartment at night. That’s not a crime. As far as moral offences go, it might as well be a virtue. I’d much rather be represented by a politician whose only fault is trusting her boyfriend too much, instead of a politician who went on television a few days ago to pour a heap of scorn on my rights as a Malaysian citizen.
There is a pattern to all that’s been going on lately, and that pattern is pretty clear: most of our politicians, especially prominent leaders of Barisan Nasional, aren’t very interested in protecting the rights and liberties of the citizens they supposedly serve. Look at the body language of the four katak Perak state reps at the press conference Barisan excitedly threw to welcome them — how many of them were actually excited about joining Barisan? Barisan’s own politicians are not very keen on being a part of Barisan, and that is because unlike Barisan’s top leadership, they understand that there will be a judgment day, and when that day comes, the Malaysian people will judge Barisan very harshly for what it has done.
After all, Barisan decided to kick off the year by subverting the popular will of one of the most prosperous and advanced states in the country. As has become so transparently clear ever since his fall from power, the former Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin is so wildly popular that he has become a hero to Malaysians across the country — an unlikely fate for a former political unknown from Pas, whose initial appointment as menteri besar was so controversial amongst people of all political persuasions. Just under a year ago, a majority of the voters in Perak decisively threw their support behind Pakatan Rakyat; the subversion of their will has been a complete and utter betrayal of the democracy we supposedly believe in.
Meanwhile, the campaign against the Pakatan Rakyat government of my state, Selangor, seems to be already well under way. Before anyone could even react to the shocking news about Eli, Khir Toyo was already out there calling for her to resign — shockingly arrogant behaviour for a menteri besar whose administration was marked by incredible tolerance for corruption and mismanagement, far worse crimes against the Malaysian people. My family, my constituency, my state voted for a Pakatan Rakyat government, and we’ll be damned if Barisan politicians like Khir think they can just waltz in and undemocratically topple the government we elected.
Of course, Khir does think that, because like many of his Barisan colleagues, he really does not believe in democracy or in the constitutional rights of the rakyat. At his recent televised debate with two other contenders for the Umno Youth chief post, he persistently argued that it is unconstitutional to regard non-Malay Malaysians as equal to their Malay fellows. I wonder if Khir is this forthrightly bermuka tebal about non-Malay inferiority in casual conversation with his non-Malay friends.
As comfortable as Umno politicians like Khir are with playing this nonsensical game of denouncing the rights and prerogatives of half the country they serve, they would be as uncomfortable as ever saying this tripe to their non-Malay colleagues. This doesn’t just insult the citizenship and freedoms of non-Malays — this is a challenge to every Malaysian. My Malay friends treat me as their equal, and I treat them exactly the same way; Khir’s preposterous argument that it is an insult to the Malays for the non-Malays to be their equal is essentially saying that the Malays are so small-minded, so bigoted, so insecure that they can never engage their fellow Malaysians as equals.
The truth is, Khir is just projecting his own problems and insecurities onto the Malays he so vocally claims to serve; as with most politicians from his party, he is the one who is small-minded, bigoted and insecure. It’s no wonder; Barisan can now no longer count on the support of Malaysians, and neither can its leaders. Respect is something you have to earn, and can easily be lost; while Pakatan has been slowly building up respect, Barisan has only seen its reputation shredded over the years.
If Barisan wants to lead, that leadership role is not going to be a free lunch. The politicians of Barisan need to win back the support of the voters. Toppling democratically-elected governments and inventing scandals out of whole cloth is not going to do that. Respecting the voters, engaging them in thoughtful discussion, and attempting to meet their needs is what wins hearts and minds.
That is why Pakatan is on the upswing, while Barisan goes from defeat to defeat. As I write this, Barisan is now angrily lashing out at the speaker of the Perak state assembly for suspending its supposed menteri besar and his exco. Instead of calling for fresh elections, as they undoubtedly would have done themselves if Pakatan had successfully lured 30-plus MPs to its side last September, Barisan leaders whine about Pakatan disrespecting the will of the Rulers.
There’s a lot of good things to be said for the Rulers, and there’s a lot of good things to be said for Barisan. You can’t deny what they have done for Malaysia in the past. But you can’t deny that they are what now seem to be holding us back from the democratic ideals we aspire to. Like it or not, this is a constitutional and democratic monarchy, with rules we have to follow. You can’t topple the constitutionally-elected and appointed government without expecting severe consequences. You can’t subvert the will of the rakyat without expecting to run into major difficulties.
At least when Pakatan courted crossovers from MPs, it was open with the public about its actions and the need for feedback and dialogue; Barisan’s smug, arrogant “we know better” attitude throughout the recent political storms has only cemented public opinion against it. Barisan does not even care enough about the voters to engage them through the press or to seek their approval, as Pakatan did in its own ethically debatable crossover campaign. Barisan simply does not care about its constituents; it claims to be their legitimate representative, in spite of going behind the public’s back to topple their elected leaders. If you want your leadership to be respected, you have to earn that respect — and that respect can only be earned by first respecting those you seek to lead.
The arrogant Barisan persists in asserting that it knows better than the voters, that it has the right to overturn the constitution, the laws, the democracy we have in place. God knows that for the last few decades that’s almost all they have been doing. But last March, Malaysians decisively told Barisan to shape up or ship out: that we can have a Malaysia without a Barisan government. If Barisan truly wants our respect and truly wants to lead, it has to start by respecting this verdict. As long as it persists in inventing scandals and excuses to topple our democratically-elected leaders, we the rakyat will be glad to continue rejecting the false and undemocratic leadership of Barisan Nasional.Hmmm..Somehow I agreed with him.Whatdayya tink guys??
Sekiranya datang seorang kepada kita, mengajak kita naik ke bumbung rumah seorang jirannya untuk mengintai kelakuan ‘jelek’ jirannya itu, semata-mata untuk mengaibkannya, adakah kita akan mengikutnya? Semestinya tidak. Tidak bukan kerana takut jatuh tergelincir dari bumbung tersebut atau disedari jiran dan seterusnya diberkas oleh pihak polis atau orang kampung yang lain. Tidak kerana kita sedar bahawa tindakan mengintai jiran adalah satu tindakan tidak bermoral!
Oleh itu, kita akan menempelak orang tersebut dan mengatakan kepadanya bahawa sikapnya amat buruk dan tidak amanah. Bukan jirannya yang akan kita kutuk dan kecam kerana keaibannya, sebaliknya pengintai itulah yang akan kita nasihati dan diberi amaran.Sekiranya kita turut mengikut untuk mengintai jirannya, maka kita pula yang tidak bermoral. Malahan lebih tidak bermoral dari jirannya itu kerana kita pun tidak tahu apa yang diintaikan. Mungkin tak nampak apa sangat, kerana gelap dan sebagainya tetapi kedengaran bunyi-bunyi dan ternampak gerak-geri dan seterusnya dijadikan buah mulut dikalangan kita.Peristiwa seperti di atas mungkin berlaku pada zaman dahulu, pada zaman "peeping tom" ini mula dikenali, sebelum adanya kamera, samada digital atau telefon bimbit.
Pada zaman sekarang, orang yang tidak bermoral seperti itu tidak perlu lagi mengajak kita memanjat bumbung rumah jirannya. Dia hanya perlu memanjat seorang diri, mengambil gambar dan menyiarkannya di dalam akhbar atau majalah atau internet. Malangnya ada akhbar dan majalah yang sanggup menyiarkannya. Lebih malang lagi ada ramai dari kita yang sanggup melihatnya.Mungkin akhbar dan majalah tidak menyiarkan gambar-gambar tersebut tetapi disiarkan ceritanya dan disebut juga gambar-gambar berkenaan. Lebih teruk apabila berita yang terhasil dari tindakan tidak bermaruah pengintai itu tetap diberi tempat dan kredibiliti di dalam masyarakat.Sebenarnya, sekiranya kita bermoral, gambar-gambar yang sedemikian tidak akan kita melihatnya.
Berita mengenainya akan dipertikaikan haknya untuk diberi tempat di dalam akhbar dan majalah dan dengan itu diberi kredibiliti. Akhbar dan majalah yang menyiarkannya akan kita pulau kerana kita memahami bahawa tiada bezanya di antara kita melihat atau membacanya dalam akhbar, majalah atau internet dengan kita memanjat bumbung dan mengintai jiran tersebut. Dalam keadaan sebegini, kita seolah-olah diheret oleh akhbar dan majalah ke atas bumbung tersebut dan ‘digoda’ untuk melihat dan mendengarnya.Oleh itu, peristiwa sebegini menguji bukan moraliti orang yang diambil gambarnya, tetapi moraliti masyarakat umum itu sendiri!
Sikap bermoral yang tegas sebegini adalah penyelesaian muktamad kepada masalah tindakan tidak bermoral penyebaran gambar-gambar yang mengaibkan seseorang. Ianya akan menyebabkan hilangnya keinginan akhbar dan majalah mensensasikan gambar-gambar sebegini kerana mereka akan dikutuk dan dipulau. Ianya akan menempelak tindakan orang yang tidak bermoral yang ingin mengaibkan seseorang kerana tiada yang ingin membeli gambar-gambar berkenaan, tiada yang ingin melihatnya dan tindakannya akan menyebabkan dia dicampak ke dalam penjara.Gambar-gambar yang mengaibkan seseorang secara peribadi perlulah dibezakan juga dengan amalan penyelewengan pentadbir seperti kes video Lingam.
Penyelewengan seperti ini membabitkan kepentingan umum dan salah guna kuasa serta pecah amanah. Ianya bukan isu peribadi. Dalam kes peribadi, cuba lihat semangat yang ditunjukkan oleh mereka-mereka yang memahami Islam.Adapun dalam Kitab Al-Adab Al-Mufrad karangan Imam Al-Bukhari, beliau mendatangkan hadis daripada Abi Haisam berkata;جاء قوم إلى عقبة بن عامر فقالوا : إن لنا جيرانا يشربون ويفعلون ، أفنرفعهم إلى الإمام ؟ قال : لا ، سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : « من رأى من مسلم عورة فسترها ، كان كمن أحيا موءودة من قبرهاMaksudnya;“Telah datang satu kaum kepada ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir lalu mereka berkata; “sesungguhnya kita mempunyai jiran yang minum (arak), apakah kamu boleh hantar mereka kepada imam (penguasa)? Berkata (‘Uqbah), jangan, kerana aku pernah dengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda : barangsiapa yang melihat akan aib seseorang muslim, lalu dia sembunyikan aib itu, maka ia seperti menghidupkan bayi yang mati dari kuburnya”(Al-Adab Al-Mufrad : 3/105 : hadis no : 780)
Ada juga kes yang masyur melibatkan Umar Al-Khattab yang pada satu malam berjalan-jalan untuk melihat keadaan rakyatnya. Beliau terjumpa dengan sebuah rumah yang dalamnya ada yang meminum arak. Umar ceroboh masuk setelah mengintai apa yang berlaku di dalamnya. Apabila Umar masuk, ingin menangkap mereka, mereka menegur Umar pula dengan mengatakan Umar mengintai mereka sedangkan mengintai itu amalan yang terkutuk. Umar masuk juga tanpa memberi salaam sedangkan itu juga tidak berakhlak kata mereka. Akhirnya Umar beristighfar dan hanya menasihat mereka dan mereka tidak dirujukkan ke mahkamah untuk dikenakan apa-apa tindakan undang-undang.
Malangnya moraliti masyarakat kita belum sampai ke tahap sebegitu. Ramai yang masih lagi sanggup memanjat bumbung dan menjadi pengintai. Akhirnya mangsa intaian dan kempen pengaiban menjadi sasaran dan tumpuan kita. Pengintai dan pengaib mencapai kehendaknya dan jiran yang sebenarnya tidak menyakiti sesiapa terus menjadi mangsa.WaLlahu 'Alam
Retract statement, developers tell exco member-star 20th Feb 09
KUALA LUMPUR: Selangor state executive council member
Iskandar Abdul Samad should retract his recent statement claiming that Elizabeth
Wong may have been sabotaged by someone who was at the receiving end of her
environmental crusade.Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association patron
Datuk Eddie Chen said Iskandar should make the retraction to “safeguard his
reputation and good working relationship with developers.”
Iskandar’s statement on Wednesday had claimed the sabotage on Wong could be owing to her no-nonsense approach to environmental and other issues, leading to someone “framing” her by circulating her scandalous pictures.Iskandar, among other things, said Wong might have stepped on someone’s toes as she played a prominent role in ensuring that the state government issued a blanket ban on hillside development in the state following the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide on Dec 6.
Chen said Iskandar’s statement implicating developers was simplistic and
offensive.“We will never use dirty tactics to get what we want. Rehda is not
a political party. We seek to change government policies through technical and
professional arguments and by lobbying.“We may have disagreements with YB
Elizabeth, but we are willing to wait until we can convince the Government of
safe slope development.“We have numerous outstanding issues with Government,
some 20 to 30 years old but we persevere through well-defined arguments, never
through dirty tactics,” said Chen..
Well I guess YB Iskandar didnt mentioned specifically any name.While some businessmen did adhered to the law and ethic,there are also some unscruplous businessmen who will do anything including selling their souls to the devil if they have to to obtain their objective.So REHDA patron shouldnt be to sure that all REHDA members are squeky clean
I was made to understand that TPM Najib denied UMNO had a hand in Elizabeth Wong issue also...My immediate reaction was..POORAHHHH .Most of us know UMNO dirty Machiaviallen styes.End justify the means.Even my own UMNO friends admitted it,when Iraised the matter to them.
So until the real culprit get caught and fairly tried in court,the public perception will not change that UMNO and those unscruplous businessmen work hand in hands..Can they blame us for thinking that way???
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Hilmi Malek...Elizabeth Wong controversy
Here is the clearer pic of Mr Hilmi Malek, 32 years old guy who was the center of YB Elizabeth controversy. I copy paste the photo from Malaysia Today website.Unconfirmed report said he had left the country.The police still searching for him.
Why did he hid himself?MP Jeff Ooi a blogger himself thought maybe Hilmi was a trojan horse planted in PKR.Now PKR had a second case involving yet another Personal Assistant..
If Hilmi didnt come out to tell the truth he cannot blame the public if they have perception that he was the culprit responsible for Elizabeth Wong lurid photos distributions...Hmmm..I wonder how many more "trojan horses" yet to be discover in PR??How much they were paid? An instant multimillionaire for job done?
..............I think YB Iskandar Samad's analysis on the issue is spot on. His recent statement, which can be read here, contained wisdom that i never thought of. YB Iskandar is quoted as saying:
"Saya berpendapat motivasi mereka yang melakukan kerja-kerja terkeji ini mungkin bukan politik semata-mata tetapi juga ekonomi.Elizabeth terkenal sebagai seorang aktivis alam sekitar. Beliau tegas di dalam usaha-usaha untuk melindungi alam semulajadi. Saya yakin ramai yang tidak puas hati dengan ketegasan beliau ini.Sama ada pemaju yang tidak boleh melakukan sebarang pembangunan di cerun kelas 3 dan 4 kerana polisi Kerajaan Negeri yang menghalang pembinaan di cerun-cerun itu atau pemilik kilang yang pernah diambil tindakan kerana mencemar alam sekitar.Jika ini benar maka saya amat bimbang kerana Exco-Exco lain yang tidak �memihak� kepada pihak-pihak tertentu akan turut menjadi mangsa.
Hari ini mungkin foto-foto YB Elizabeth, esok mungkin Exco-Exco yang lain akan diperangkap. Bukan susah untuk memerangkap atau memfitnah seseorang. Seorang lagi Exco, YB Dr. Halimah Ali baru-baru ini difitnah telah ditangkap berkhalwat walhal pada ketika itu beliau berada di dalam satu majlis rasmi dan JAIS menafikannya.
"I think it is true. many companies are losing millions for the enforcement done by Liz Wong. So, as payback or something like that, they meneuvered a smear campaign such as this.Their objective: could be many but revenge is top of the list. Get the obstacle out of their way so they can make more money......
Well ,it sound logic.I just remember I had read somewhere how those towkeys had threaten Elizabeth Wong during her meeting with them after Bukit AntaraBangsa inccident..But my inner sense told me that UMNO did have a hand on this inciddent..Maybe Hilmi can provide us the real answer.After all the photos were alleged taken by him.
If Hilmi was not responsible taking the lurid photos,he should clear his name.Maybe a statutory declaration or maybe sumpah laknat at the mosque will do
Pagi tadi semasa driving ketempat kerja terdengar berita mengatakan Menteri Besar Halam Dr Zamri akn mengambil tindakan.Dia bagi warning pada Speaker.Katanya Speaker lupa kuasa DYMM Sultan..Apa pulak ni...Nak guna nama Tuanku lagi ke? Tak cukup ke sebab mereka lah nama Tuanku dan Raja Berperlembagaan tercemar
UMNO ni fesyen dia bila nak kalah cuba pulak menggunakan pihak Istana..Mcm zaman kecik kecik dulu la bila bergaduh terus balik bagi tau emak...Itu bukan lelaki namanya.Sayang sekali merek tak pernah jadi lelaki pun..
Perak Umno lawmakers described the decision of the assembly speaker V Sivakumar to suspend the newly appointed state executive councillors from the legislature as a sign of disrespect for the rule of law.
“We are facing a group of people who have no respect at all for the law and the state institutions,” said state information chief Datuk Hamdi Abu Bakar, referring to the ousted government led by Pas’s Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin....Anyway Datuk Hamdi Abu Bakar didnt refer to any law provisions to support his claims..Maybe he himself was blind about the law and didnt know what he was talking about.
Hmmm. I am smiling now..Divine work??
Keputusan itu diumumkan oleh Speaker DUN Perak V Sivakumar selepas selesai bersidang hari ini.......
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hey What About Elizabeth ex boyfriend??
Monday, February 16, 2009
The former Umno vice-president, who only received one nomination to go for the Umno presidency, said this had a bearing upon the kind of leaders and party that Umno members want.
“Do we want to be led by those who can understand and address the foundational issues facing our society today, and shall we have leaders capable of forging ‘mutual consent by debate and discussion, inquiries and elections’ or shall we again be landed with those whose main talent is to strike poses that people outside a small, insecure circle in Umno, and particularly Malaysia’s internet generation, find ridiculous?
“Was greater harm done to the sovereignty of the Rulers in 1993 through Parliament or a week ago on the streets of Perak?” he asked, alluding to Umno’s umbrage over the protests that marred the swearing-in ceremony for the Barisan Nasional Menteri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir.
He expounded on his point with another question on Umno’s ability to defend the Malay Rulers.
“And is today’s Umno, with its inconsistent adherence to the rule of law, its inconstant respect for the key institutions of our country, a credible or effective defender of the Rulers and of the laws upholding this institution?
“Or do we actually harm what we claim to protect?” he said in ending his post, which also included two videos of his parliament speech in 1993 opposing the amendments when he was Semangat 46 leader after Umno was declared illegal in 1988. He rejoined Umno in 1995
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Petugas PKR dan Bloggers ditahan Polis - malaysiakini
Kemaskini 11:30am - kami sedang dalam perjalanan ke IPD Kuala Kangsar. untuk kemaskini seterusnya sila layari bloh Ummi AnniEmpat orang petugas PKR Kuala Kangsar dan juga 2 orang BLOGGERS telah ditangkap dan dibawa ke Balai Polis Kuala Kangsar sebentar tadi kerana mengedar risalah-risalah penerangan tentang kemelut politik Perak.Mereka ialah Puan Nor Bariah Mohd Ali, Puan Rosmina Hamdan, Abdul Hadi dan Meor Johari.Mereka sekarang sedang ditahan di IPD kuala Kangsar.Berita akan dikemaskini setiap masa...
Persoalannya disini kenapa Baginda Sultan Sharafuddin tidak melihat perkara in secara keseluruhan..Apa yang rakyat Perak mahukan adalah keadilan bedasarkan undang undang .Sepatutnya Baginda menyalahkan pihak yang bertanggungjawab iterhadap berlakunya peristiwa protes berkenaan.Dalang yan gdimaksudkan adalah Najib dan Anuar Zaini.Bila kritikan berkenaan adalah berat sebelah ianya akan menambahkan lagi kemarahan rakyat.
Rakyat sekarang bukannya bodoh dan tak pandai menilai sesuatu perkara..Era zaman rakyat bodoh dan menerima sahaja apa yang disuap oleh UMNO telah pun tamat.Sekarang sesiapa sahaja yang memegang tampok kekuasaan perlulah menghadapi rakyat yang educated dan faham hak hak mereka sebagai rakyat Malaysia.
Jika DYMM Tuanku Tuanku sedih dengan perlakuan rakyat Perak,saya yakin rakyat Perak adalah jauh lebih sedih dengan ketidakadilan yang berlaku..Cara apakah lagi mereka dapat menyuarakan protes mereka.Hendak menghadap Sultan mereka tak fikir akan diperkenankan.
Mereka sedih kerana kehilangan Menteri Besar yang amanah,tidak korup dan amat menghormati DYMM Sultan..Mereka sedih UMNO kembali berkuasa melalui pintu belakang dan mengenepikan Perlembagaan negeri.Mereka sedih kerana Negeri Perak dijadikan mangsa untuk mengukuhkan kedudukan Datuk Seri Najib didalam UMNO.Mereka sedih kerana hasil mahsul negeri akan dirompak oleh perompak perompak UMNO yang sedang menunggu peluang..
Persoalannya disini tidakkah DYMM Tuanku Tuanku dapat merasakan apa yang bergelora dihati rakyat jelata Perak??? DYMM Tuanku Tuanku adalah payong kepada rakyat jelata tanpa mengira bangsa dan ugama.Persoalannya kenapa ada golongan rakyat terutama yang menyokong Pakatan Rakyat dianaktirikan???
Friday, February 13, 2009
Kejatuhan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Perak disebabkan oleh faktor faktor berikut:
3 adun yan gmelompat menjadi calon bebas yang pro BN.Saya rasa pelik,bebas tapi pro BN.mereka didapati mempunyai masalah peribadi semenjak awal lagi.Perkara ini sepatutnya menjadi pengajaran kepada semua pihak.Mereka perlu memastikan kriteria calon pilihan agar jangan tangkap muat.Setakat hanya adun PAS sahaja yang belum melompat .Sejauh mana mereka dapat bertahan ?
Saya mendengar khabar khabar angin ada diantara ahli ahli PAS yang beranggapan wakil PAS tidak mungkin berpaling tadah..Jangan terlalu confident brother...Setiap orang ada harganya.Bila sampai harganya maka beubahlah hati.Cuma orang orang yang beriman harganya adalah syurga..Jadi susah sikit la nak bribe orang orang jenis ni.
Ketiga tiga ADUN berkenaan sedang dicari oleh pengundi pengundi..Dia mungkintakberani menunjukkan muka dla masa terdekat ni
Mengikut Perlembagaan Perak jelas menunjukkan Menteri Besar cuma boleh di pecat melalui tiga cara sahaja:-
- Menteri Besar secara sukarela meletak jawatan
- Pembubaran DUN
- Undi tidak percaya didalam DUN
DYMM Sultan telah mengambil fungsi DUN dan bertindak seolah eolah sebagai "absolute monarchy" didalam melantik Menteri Besar baru .Rakyat jelata rata rata terperanjat dengan keputusan ini.Malahan dikalangan UMNO terdengar suara suara ketidaksetujuan diatas tindakan DYMM Sultan.Dah tentu tangan tangan ajaib memainkan peranan mempengaruhi keputusan Diraja.Nama nama saperti Anuar Zaini dan juga DS Najib Tun Razak disebut sebut sebagai orang orang yang bertanggungjawab.
Persoalannya mengapa pihak UMNO enggan membawa perkara ini keDewan Undangan Negeri?Katakan mereka memiliki 3 majoriti.jadi apa masalahnya??Mereka takut untuk berhadapan secara gentleman dan lelaki?
Kesilapan di pihak Pakatan Rakyat juga turut menyumbangkan kepada kejatuhannya.Raja Petra didalam blognya Malaysia Today bertajuk "No two ways about it: DISSOLVE the Perak State Assembly (2 Feb) telah memberi amaran supaya pembubaran disegerakan tetapi Pakatan Rakyat lambat bertindak sedangkan tanda tanda amaran semakin jelas bahawa ketiga tiga adun berkenaan aka melompat pada bila bila masa.
Selain daripada itu kelewatan menjawab isu " tanah kerajaan diberi pada cina" juga memberi kesan kepada fitnah yang diwarwarkan oleh UMNO.
Apakah akibatnya pada rakyat Perak?
- Institusi Raja Berperlembagaan sudah mula tidak diyakini oleh rakyat jelata.Pertamakali dalam sejarah rakyat protes secara langsung kepada DYMM Sultan di Kuala Kangsar
- Budaya rasuah yang telah berjaya sedikit sebanyak disekat oleh YAB Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Nizar kembali semula menghantui pentadbiran negeri.Ramai orang bercakap jika Kerajaan DS Idris Jusoh dulu adalah proksi Patrick Lim,kerajaan Perak sekarang ini adalah proksi GAMUDA dimana puteri Baginda Sultan Perak adalah salah seoran gpemegang saham utama
- Kerajaan YB Dr Zambri amat goyang .Dengan kedudukan 28 BN dan 28 PR,mereka bergantung nasib pada 3 adun yang tidak boleh dipercayai pegangan mereka.Jadi Kerajaan Dr Zambri boleh tumbang bila bila masa sahaja .
- Rakyat Perak kehilangan Menteri Besar yang amanah.Sifat yang susah DR Zambri nak tandingi.Keprihatinan DS AhmadNizar pada rakyat datangnya dari hati bukannya berpura pura.
Apakah hikmah disebalik peristiwa ini?
- Membersihkan Pakatan Rakyat dari anasir anasir korup.MUngkin ada lagi yang akan melompat kerana wang
- Menguatkan lagi perpaduan PR dan masyarakat berbilang kaum
- Membuktikan kepada rakyat budaya korup UMNO
- Confimkan majoriti rakyat dibelakang PR,Ini yang menakutkan UMNO
- Menambahkan kesedaran berpolitik pada rakyat.Insyaallah negeri Perak akan melahirkkan ahli politik yang outstanding dimasa akan datang samda dari BN atau PR
Till then ..Bye