Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I surf through blog..Tulang Besi latest article look very interesting..It says:-

..............I think YB Iskandar Samad's analysis on the issue is spot on. His recent statement, which can be read here, contained wisdom that i never thought of. YB Iskandar is quoted as saying:

"Saya berpendapat motivasi mereka yang melakukan kerja-kerja terkeji ini mungkin bukan politik semata-mata tetapi juga ekonomi.Elizabeth terkenal sebagai seorang aktivis alam sekitar. Beliau tegas di dalam usaha-usaha untuk melindungi alam semulajadi. Saya yakin ramai yang tidak puas hati dengan ketegasan beliau ini.Sama ada pemaju yang tidak boleh melakukan sebarang pembangunan di cerun kelas 3 dan 4 kerana polisi Kerajaan Negeri yang menghalang pembinaan di cerun-cerun itu atau pemilik kilang yang pernah diambil tindakan kerana mencemar alam sekitar.Jika ini benar maka saya amat bimbang kerana Exco-Exco lain yang tidak �memihak� kepada pihak-pihak tertentu akan turut menjadi mangsa.

Hari ini mungkin foto-foto YB Elizabeth, esok mungkin Exco-Exco yang lain akan diperangkap. Bukan susah untuk memerangkap atau memfitnah seseorang. Seorang lagi Exco, YB Dr. Halimah Ali baru-baru ini difitnah telah ditangkap berkhalwat walhal pada ketika itu beliau berada di dalam satu majlis rasmi dan JAIS menafikannya.

"I think it is true. many companies are losing millions for the enforcement done by Liz Wong. So, as payback or something like that, they meneuvered a smear campaign such as this.Their objective: could be many but revenge is top of the list. Get the obstacle out of their way so they can make more money......

Well ,it sound logic.I just remember I had read somewhere how those towkeys had threaten Elizabeth Wong during her meeting with them after Bukit AntaraBangsa inccident..But my inner sense told me that UMNO did have a hand on this inciddent..Maybe Hilmi can provide us the real answer.After all the photos were alleged taken by him.

If Hilmi was not responsible taking the lurid photos,he should clear his name.Maybe a statutory declaration or maybe sumpah laknat at the mosque will do

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